Adrenal Gland
Either of a pair of complex endocrine organs near the anterior medial border of the kidney consisting of a mesodermal cortex that produces glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic hormones and an ectodermal medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine [Source: Brenda].
Anatomical System 4331 ➥
- anatomical site 223 ➥
- cardiovascular system 62 ➥
- respiratory system 187 ➥
- hematological system 385 ➥
lymphoreticular system 2 ➥
- lymph
- lymph node
- tonsil
- spleen
- alimentary system 123 ➥
- urogenital system 301 ➥
- endocrine system 10 ➥
- musculoskeletal system 529 ➥
- integument system 1602 ➥
nervous system 767 ➥
central nervous system 737 ➥
brain 734 ➥
cerebrum 334 ➥
cerebral cortex 334 ➥
frontal lobe 84 ➥
- prefrontal cortex 3 ➥
- parietal lobe 78 ➥
- temporal lobe 31 ➥
- occipital lobe
- visual
- insula
- olfactory bulb
- anterior olfactory nucleus
- lateral olfactory stria
- medial olfactory stria
- olfactory tubercle
- primary olfactory cortex
- secondary olfactory cortex
- hippocampus 137 ➥
- parahippocampal gyrus
frontal lobe 84 ➥
- basal nuclei
cerebral cortex 334 ➥
hypothalamus 1 ➥
- preoptic nucleus
- supraoptic nucleus
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- paraventricular nucleus
- infundibular nucleus
- anterior nucleus
- dorsomedial nucleus
- ventromedial nucleus
- lateral nucleus
- posterior nucleus
- premamillary nucleus
- tuberomamillary nucleus
- medial mamillary nucleus
- lateral mamillary nucleus
- lateral tuberal nucleus
brain stem 12 ➥
midbrain 2 ➥
- crus cerebri
- colliculi
- substantia nigra 2 ➥
- red nucleus
- periaqueductal grey matter
- oculomotor nucleus
- trochlear nucleus
- mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
pons 10 ➥
- vestibular nuclei
- cochlear nuclei
- superior olivary nucleus
- trapezoid nucleus
- nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
- abducent nucleus
- facial nucleus
- salivatory nuclei
- trigeminal nucleus
midbrain 2 ➥
cerebellum 14 ➥
- cerebellum cortex
- cerebellum nuclei
tract 1 ➥
- corpus callosum 1 ➥
- ventricular system
- cerebrospinal fluid
- meninges
- white matter 5 ➥
- grey matter 2 ➥
- blood brain barrier 4 ➥
cerebrum 334 ➥
- spinal cord
brain 734 ➥
- peripheral nervous system 25 ➥
central nervous system 737 ➥
- immune system 98 ➥
Changes associated with this tissue
Due to the potentially large amount of high-throughput molecular changes these have been excluded below. You can view the full list of 2 changes through the filter results page.