All physiological changes (343)

Identifier Name Data Tissues Organism Actions
DAA2014 Microsatellite instability in hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA999 Microvascular alterations in arterioles, capillaries, and venules in dermis/hypodermis dermis, subcutaneous Human
DAA855 Migrating motor complex is prolonged small intestine Human
DAA652 Mineralization of bone tissue increases bone Human
DAA2597 Mitochondrial DNA content in non-centenerians decreases with age blood Human
DAA1219 Morning concentration of oestrone (E1) declines plasma Human
DAA1221 Morning concentration of sex-hormone binding globulin declines plasma Human
DAA1218 Morning concentrations of oestradiol decline plasma Human
DAA1180 Morning concentrations of testosterone decline 80.0% Decrease Hormone Level plasma Human
DAA1181 Morning IGF1 decline 51.0% Decrease Hormone Level plasma Human
DAA2058 Mosaic abnormalities increase blood, oral cavity Human
DAA742 Motor function impairment evident in altered gait and balance nervous system Human
DAA831 Mouth becomes drier salivary gland Human
DAA642 Muscle atrophy (sarcopenia) skeletal muscle Human
DAA2592 Muscle characteristics change with aging muscle Human
DAA643 Muscle fiber energy metabolism declines skeletal muscle Human
DAA1992 Muscle mass and strength loss skeletal muscle Human
DAA2026 Mutations in mitochondrial DNA accumulate heart, kidney, skeletal muscle, cerebral cortex, cerebellum Human
DAA857 Myenteric plexus neuron number decreases oesophagus, stomach, intestine Human
DAA939 Naive cell number increases and memory cells decrease B cell Human
DAA891 Nephrons appear to fail as units nephron Human
DAA721 Neurofibrillary tangles and Lewy bodies in neurons brain Human
DAA714 Neuronal soma shrinks in size brain Human
DAA733 Neurotransmitter and neuro receptor concentrations are altered brain Human
DAA933 No changes in erythroid and myeloid progenitor cells evident myeloid progenitor cell Human