All changes for the tissue Anatomical System (3587)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA2051 Attenuated vasoconstriction response to cold Physiological skin Human
DAA814 Abnormal labored breathing index Physiological respiratory system Human
DAA2025 Basal oxygen uptake per kilogram of body water unchanged Physiological whole body Human
DAA2591 Advanced glycation end products increases in aging human skeletal muscle Physiological muscle Human
DAA1978 Age differences in classical conditioning of the eyelid response Physiological eyelid Human
DAA650 Bone density of total hip and femoral neck decreases Physiological bone Human
DAA648 Bone mass decreases Physiological bone Human
DAA1058 Body fat increases Physiological whole body Human
DAA2018 Blood volume per unit of body weight unchanged Physiological blood Human
DAA751 Body temperature circadian rhythm flattens Physiological whole body Human
DAA2017 Blood sugar changes Physiological plasma Human
DAA912 Aldosterone secretion, blood levels and clearance decrease Physiological plasma, adrenal gland Human
DAA912 Aldosterone secretion, blood levels and clearance decrease Physiological plasma, adrenal gland Human
DAA905 Ability to secrete acid load decreases Physiological kidney Human
DAA1208 Blood TNF-alpha level increase Physiological plasma Human TNF
DAA1060 Blood flow to liver decreases Physiological liver Human
DAA1209 Blood IL6 level increase Physiological plasma Human IL6
DAA2035 Alterations in frequency, developmental potential and gene expression profile in hematopoietic stem cells Physiological hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA2033 Alterations in structural proteins and cell membranes in the lenses Physiological lens Human
DAA940 B naive cells' susceptibility to apoptosis decreases Physiological memory B cell Human
DAA2041 Altered brain mitochondrial metabolism Physiological brain Human
DAA2054 Altered cardiovascular response during heating Physiological cardiovascular system Human
DAA2031 Altered concentration of sodium, potassium and calcium Physiological lens Human
DAA1205 Body temperature decreases with age Physiological whole body Human
DAA979 Apoptotic pathway in response to stimuli disrupted Physiological neutrophil Human