Central Nervous System
The central nervous system is that part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord. The central nervous system (CNS) is one of the two major divisions of the nervous system. The other is the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which is outside the brain and spinal cord [Source: Brenda].
Anatomical System 4331 ➥
- anatomical site 223 ➥
- cardiovascular system 62 ➥
- respiratory system 187 ➥
- hematological system 385 ➥
lymphoreticular system 2 ➥
- lymph
- lymph node
- tonsil
- spleen
- alimentary system 123 ➥
- urogenital system 301 ➥
- endocrine system 10 ➥
- musculoskeletal system 529 ➥
- integument system 1602 ➥
nervous system 767 ➥
central nervous system 737 ➥
brain 734 ➥
cerebrum 334 ➥
cerebral cortex 334 ➥
frontal lobe 84 ➥
- prefrontal cortex 3 ➥
- parietal lobe 78 ➥
- temporal lobe 31 ➥
- occipital lobe
- visual
- insula
- olfactory bulb
- anterior olfactory nucleus
- lateral olfactory stria
- medial olfactory stria
- olfactory tubercle
- primary olfactory cortex
- secondary olfactory cortex
- hippocampus 137 ➥
- parahippocampal gyrus
frontal lobe 84 ➥
- basal nuclei
cerebral cortex 334 ➥
hypothalamus 1 ➥
- preoptic nucleus
- supraoptic nucleus
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- paraventricular nucleus
- infundibular nucleus
- anterior nucleus
- dorsomedial nucleus
- ventromedial nucleus
- lateral nucleus
- posterior nucleus
- premamillary nucleus
- tuberomamillary nucleus
- medial mamillary nucleus
- lateral mamillary nucleus
- lateral tuberal nucleus
brain stem 12 ➥
midbrain 2 ➥
- crus cerebri
- colliculi
- substantia nigra 2 ➥
- red nucleus
- periaqueductal grey matter
- oculomotor nucleus
- trochlear nucleus
- mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
pons 10 ➥
- vestibular nuclei
- cochlear nuclei
- superior olivary nucleus
- trapezoid nucleus
- nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
- abducent nucleus
- facial nucleus
- salivatory nuclei
- trigeminal nucleus
midbrain 2 ➥
cerebellum 14 ➥
- cerebellum cortex
- cerebellum nuclei
tract 1 ➥
- corpus callosum 1 ➥
- ventricular system
- cerebrospinal fluid
- meninges
- white matter 5 ➥
- grey matter 2 ➥
- blood brain barrier 4 ➥
cerebrum 334 ➥
- spinal cord
brain 734 ➥
- peripheral nervous system 25 ➥
central nervous system 737 ➥
- immune system 98 ➥
Changes associated with this tissue
Due to the potentially large amount of high-throughput molecular changes these have been excluded below. You can view the full list of 740 changes through the filter results page.
Physiological (51) View on results page
Accumulation of extracellular neuritic plaques
Accumulation of neuromelanin in dopaminergic nigral neurons
Altered brain mitochondrial metabolism
Axon loss
Brain matter volume declines
Brain volume decrease
Brain volume decreases in a regional-specific way
Calcium binding capacity decreases in neurons
Cerebral blood flow and glucose utilization are reduced
Cerebral spinal fluid amount increases
Cortical plasticity decreases
Decrease in mitochondrial content and oxidative metabolism in cells
Degeneration of dopamine neurons and receptors
Dendrite regression, reduction in dendrite length
Depolarization of mitochondria
Down regulation of calcium clearance from nerve cells
EEG alterations during auditory test
Frequency of mitochondrial DNA deletions increases with age
Frequency of somatic mitochondrial mutations increases with age
Glial cell number
Global neuron loss
Gray matter volume decreases
Increased bilateral anterior frontal activity in memory interference tests
Increased rhinal cortex activity and functional connectivity in tests for verbal familiarity
Increased sustained activity in tests of working memory
Increased transient activity in non-spatial auditory working memory test
Intracellular glutathione content decreases
Layer-specific dendritic regression of pyramidal cells
Lipid biosynthesis decreases
Localized increases and decreases in synaptic transmission
Mean diffusivity increases and water diffusion anisotropy decreases
Medial temporal activation during encoding and retrieval of memory is reduced
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA accumulate
Neural stem cell pool declines
Neurofibrillary tangles and Lewy bodies in neurons
Neurogenesis is reduced
Neuronal soma shrinks in size
Neurotransmitter and neuro receptor concentrations are altered
Permeability increases with age
Prefrontal cortex activation during learning is reduced
Prolongation of calcium signals in nerve cells
Reaction time for a visually paced simple motor task increases with age
Receptor expression alterations
Reduced hippocampal activity and functional connectivity in tests for verbal familiarity
Selective increase in oxidative damage and decrease in antioxidant function during aging in the substantia nigra
Sensitivity of HPA axis is impaired
Synaptic density slightly decreases at advanced ages
Viscoelastic modulus of brain tissue decreases
White matter volume decreases
Psychological (22) View on results page
Ability to acquire motor skills decreases
Activation threshold for long-term potentiation is increased
Altered sleep parameters and patterns
Balance decreases
Cognitive decline
Cognitive deficits
Cognitive executive functions decline
Cognitive processing speed decreased
Earlier sleep and wake time
Exploratory behavior is decreased
Increased reliance on vision to control balance
Learning impairment as assessed by contextual cuing
Memory consolidation is impaired
Memory impairment
Mild cognitive impairment incidence increases
No clear changes in anxiety but decrease in ambulation
Reaction time slowing in tasks with conflict between visual stimulus and required motor response
Reduction in episodic, working and long-term memory
Speech production problems
Variability of performance for multiple cognitive tasks increases
Verbal memory declines
Visual memory declines
Molecular (6; 652 in total) View on results page
Changes from high-throughput approaches are excluded but can be viewed on the results page.
5-hmC increase in cerebrellum
Alox5 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) mRNA expression increase
Alox5 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) promoter methylation increase
efflux pump activity decreases
MTHFR methylation decrease
transporter activity decreases