Alimentary System
digestive system
The human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and intestine, and sometimes to all the structures from the mouth to the anus. (The "digestive system" is a broader term that includes other structures, including the accessory organs of digestion) [Source: Wikipedia].
Anatomical System 4331 ➥
- anatomical site 223 ➥
- cardiovascular system 62 ➥
- respiratory system 187 ➥
- hematological system 385 ➥
lymphoreticular system 2 ➥
- lymph
- lymph node
- tonsil
- spleen
- alimentary system 123 ➥
- urogenital system 301 ➥
- endocrine system 10 ➥
- musculoskeletal system 529 ➥
- integument system 1602 ➥
nervous system 767 ➥
central nervous system 737 ➥
brain 734 ➥
cerebrum 334 ➥
cerebral cortex 334 ➥
frontal lobe 84 ➥
- prefrontal cortex 3 ➥
- parietal lobe 78 ➥
- temporal lobe 31 ➥
- occipital lobe
- visual
- insula
- olfactory bulb
- anterior olfactory nucleus
- lateral olfactory stria
- medial olfactory stria
- olfactory tubercle
- primary olfactory cortex
- secondary olfactory cortex
- hippocampus 137 ➥
- parahippocampal gyrus
frontal lobe 84 ➥
- basal nuclei
cerebral cortex 334 ➥
hypothalamus 1 ➥
- preoptic nucleus
- supraoptic nucleus
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- paraventricular nucleus
- infundibular nucleus
- anterior nucleus
- dorsomedial nucleus
- ventromedial nucleus
- lateral nucleus
- posterior nucleus
- premamillary nucleus
- tuberomamillary nucleus
- medial mamillary nucleus
- lateral mamillary nucleus
- lateral tuberal nucleus
brain stem 12 ➥
midbrain 2 ➥
- crus cerebri
- colliculi
- substantia nigra 2 ➥
- red nucleus
- periaqueductal grey matter
- oculomotor nucleus
- trochlear nucleus
- mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
pons 10 ➥
- vestibular nuclei
- cochlear nuclei
- superior olivary nucleus
- trapezoid nucleus
- nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
- abducent nucleus
- facial nucleus
- salivatory nuclei
- trigeminal nucleus
midbrain 2 ➥
cerebellum 14 ➥
- cerebellum cortex
- cerebellum nuclei
tract 1 ➥
- corpus callosum 1 ➥
- ventricular system
- cerebrospinal fluid
- meninges
- white matter 5 ➥
- grey matter 2 ➥
- blood brain barrier 4 ➥
cerebrum 334 ➥
- spinal cord
brain 734 ➥
- peripheral nervous system 25 ➥
central nervous system 737 ➥
- immune system 98 ➥
Changes associated with this tissue
Due to the potentially large amount of high-throughput molecular changes these have been excluded below. You can view the full list of 113 changes through the filter results page.
Physiological (40) View on results page
Atrophy of all four layers of large intestine
Atrophy of mucosal lining in small intestine
Blood flow to liver decreases
Calcium absorption in intestine decreases
Chromosome deletions, duplications, and gene conversion events accumulate with age
Decreased function of epithelial barriers
Decrease in amplitude of peristaltic pressure wave in upper esophogeal sphincter
Decrease in number of acinar cells
Deficiencies in generating secondary peristaltic contractions
Dental wear and tear
Diminishing of glandular secretions
D-xylose absorption decreases
Dysphagia incidence increases
Enteric neuron loss
Esophageal acid contact time increased
Exocrine pancreatic function unchanged
Gastric lipase and bile acid secretion decreases
Gastric secretions diminish
Increase in adverse effects on salivary gland by anticholinergics
Increase in amplitude and duration of peristaltic pressure wave in hypopharyngeal sphincter
Increase in IgA
Increase in incidence of diverticulosis
Lipid absorption and solubilization decreases
Loss of liver regeneration with age
Migrating motor complex is prolonged
Mosaic abnormalities increase
Mouth becomes drier
Myenteric plexus neuron number decreases
Nonadrenergic innervation of myenteric plexus decreases
Pancreatic Beta-cell replication decrease
Peristaltic amplitude is diminished
Postprandial serum bile acids decrease
Reduction in small intestine absorption rate
Responsiveness of cholinergic receptors is decreased
Resting and squeeze pressures in anal canal decrease
Slowing down of peristaltic motion in alimentary canal
Threshold sensational level for rectal filling increase
Variability in clearance of hepatically metabolized drugs
Weakening of intestinal wall
Weaker digestive tract muscle contractions
Molecular (2; 57 in total) View on results page
Changes from high-throughput approaches are excluded but can be viewed on the results page.
Pathological (14) View on results page
Cancer of colon, rectum and anus
Cancer of esophagus
Cancer of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx
Cancer of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts
Cholelithiasis and other disorders of gallbladders
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
Diabetes mellitus
Edentulism (Tooth Loss) (Female)
Edentulism (Tooth Loss) (Male)
More severe manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Pancreatic cancer
Peptic ulcer
Stomach cancer
Viral hepatitis