All changes for the tissue hematological system (61)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA702 Ratio of oxidized to unoxidized plasma albumin increases Physiological plasma Human
DAA2015 Regulation of the acid-base equilibrium of the blood unchanged Physiological blood Human
DAA932 Renewal capacity declines Physiological hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA1199 Serum klotho Physiological plasma Human KL Increase Hormone Level
DAA928 Sex hormone binding globulin levels increase Physiological plasma Human
DAA700 Shift in reduced:oxidized glutathione ratio in favour of oxidized gluthione Physiological blood, lymphocytes Mouse
DAA919 Somatostatin basal levels increase Physiological plasma Human SST
DAA946 Thymic hormone levels decrease Physiological plasma Human
DAA699 Triglyceride levels increase Physiological plasma Human
DAA1947 Vitamin C levels decrease Physiological blood, T cell Mouse
DAA936 Volume of hematopoietic bone marrow decreases Physiological bone marrow Human