forkhead box P1


FOXP1 (may also be known as: None)




This gene belongs to subfamily P of the forkhead box (FOX) transcription factor family. Forkhead box transcription factors play important roles in the regulation of tissue- and cell type-specific gene transcription during both development and adulthood. Forkhead box P1 protein contains both DNA-binding- and protein-protein binding-domains. This gene may act as a tumor suppressor as it is lost in several tumor types and maps to a chromosomal region (3p14.1) reported to contain a tumor suppressor gene(s). Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]


CHES-1-like Drosophila melanogaster
foxp1b Danio rerio
Foxp1 Mus musculus
Foxp1 Rattus norvegicus

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Changes associated with this gene

GO Terms

GO IDGO TermGO Category
GO:0001701 in utero embryonic development biological_process
GO:0002053 positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation biological_process
GO:0002329 pre-B cell differentiation biological_process
GO:0002639 positive regulation of immunoglobulin production biological_process
GO:0007389 pattern specification process biological_process
GO:0007507 heart development biological_process
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