SRY-box containing gene 10


Sox10 (may also be known as: Dom, Sox21)




sox10 Danio rerio
SOX10 Homo sapiens
Sox10 Rattus norvegicus

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Changes associated with this gene

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA1931 SRY-box containing gene 10 Molecular Anatomical System Mouse Sox10 4.0% Increase Gene Expression Level

GO Terms

GO IDGO TermGO Category
GO:0001701 in utero embryonic development biological_process
GO:0001755 neural crest cell migration biological_process
GO:0002052 positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation biological_process
GO:0006351 transcription, DNA-dependent biological_process
GO:0006355 regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent biological_process
GO:0007422 peripheral nervous system development biological_process
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