phospholipase C-like 2


Process Measured

Gene Expression Level

Data Availability

26 to 106 years


  • brain Changes
    • Anatomical System
      • anatomical site
        • head and neck
        • thorax
          • thoracic wall
        • abdomen
        • pelvis
        • perineum
        • upper limb
        • lower limb
        • whole body
        • adipose tissue
        • mucosa
        • spine
      • cardiovascular system
        • heart
          • atrium
          • ventricle
            • left ventricle
          • endocardium
          • myocardium
          • pericardium
          • cardiac valve
          • cardiac conducting system
        • artery
          • aorta
          • arterial intima
          • arterial media
          • arterial adventitia
          • carotid artery
          • coronary artery
        • vein
          • venous intima
          • venous media
          • venous adventitia
        • capillary
      • respiratory system
        • nose
        • sinus
        • larynx
        • trachea
        • bronchus
        • lung
          • alveolus
        • pleura
        • diaphragm
      • hematological system
        • bone marrow
          • hematopoietic stem cells
          • mesenchymal stem cell
        • blood
          • plasma
          • myeloid progenitor cell
      • lymphoreticular system
        • lymph
        • lymph node
        • tonsil
        • spleen
      • alimentary system
        • oral cavity
          • tongue
          • salivary gland
          • tooth
          • gum
        • pharynx
          • nasopharynx
          • oropharynx
          • hypopharynx
        • oesophagus
        • stomach
          • gastric mucosa
        • intestine
          • small intestine
            • duodenum
            • jejunum
            • ileum
          • vermiform appendix
          • large intestine
            • colorectal
              • colon
                • appendix
              • rectum
            • anus
            • cecum
        • mesentery
        • omentum
        • peritoneum
        • liver and biliary system
          • liver
          • gall bladder
          • bile duct
        • pancreas
          • exocrine pancreas
      • urogenital system
        • urinary system
          • kidney
            • nephron
              • renal corpuscle
                • glomerus
              • renal tubule
                • renal proximal convoluted tubule
                • renal distal convoluted tubule
                • loop of Henle
                • renal collecting duct
            • renal vasculature
            • glomerulus
          • ureter
          • bladder
          • urethra
        • reproductive system
          • male reproductive system
            • testis
              • seminiferous tubule
            • epididymis
            • prostate
            • vas deferens
            • penis
              • glans
              • foreskin
          • female reproductive system
            • ovary
            • uterine tube
            • uterus
              • cervix
              • endometrium
              • myometrium
            • vagina
            • vulva
            • breast
              • mammary gland
      • endocrine system
        • endocrine pancreas
          • islets of Langerhans
        • pineal gland
        • pituitary gland
        • thyroid
        • parathyroid
        • adrenal gland
          • adrenal cortex
          • adrenal medulla
      • musculoskeletal system
        • bone
          • ulna
          • femur
        • cartilage
        • joint
          • synovium
          • ligament
          • meniscus
        • muscle
          • skeletal muscle
          • smooth muscle
        • tendon
        • fascia
      • integument system
        • skin
          • epidermis
          • dermis
        • appendages
          • hair follicle
          • hair
          • nail bed
          • nail
          • sweat gland
          • sebaceous gland
        • subcutaneous
      • nervous system
        • central nervous system
          • brain
            • cerebrum
              • cerebral cortex
                • frontal lobe
                  • prefrontal cortex
                • parietal lobe
                • temporal lobe
                • occipital lobe
                • visual
                • insula
                • olfactory bulb
                • anterior olfactory nucleus
                • lateral olfactory stria
                • medial olfactory stria
                • olfactory tubercle
                • primary olfactory cortex
                • secondary olfactory cortex
                • hippocampus
                • parahippocampal gyrus
              • basal nuclei
            • hypothalamus
              • preoptic nucleus
              • supraoptic nucleus
              • suprachiasmatic nucleus
              • paraventricular nucleus
              • infundibular nucleus
              • anterior nucleus
              • dorsomedial nucleus
              • ventromedial nucleus
              • lateral nucleus
              • posterior nucleus
              • premamillary nucleus
              • tuberomamillary nucleus
              • medial mamillary nucleus
              • lateral mamillary nucleus
              • lateral tuberal nucleus
            • brain stem
              • midbrain
                • crus cerebri
                • colliculi
                • substantia nigra
                • red nucleus
                • periaqueductal grey matter
                • oculomotor nucleus
                • trochlear nucleus
                • mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
              • pons
                • vestibular nuclei
                • cochlear nuclei
                • superior olivary nucleus
                • trapezoid nucleus
                • nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
                • abducent nucleus
                • facial nucleus
                • salivatory nuclei
                • trigeminal nucleus
            • cerebellum
              • cerebellum cortex
              • cerebellum nuclei
            • tract
              • corpus callosum
            • ventricular system
            • cerebrospinal fluid
            • meninges
            • white matter
            • grey matter
            • blood brain barrier
          • spinal cord
        • peripheral nervous system
          • visual apparatus
            • globe
            • eyelid
            • lacrimal gland
            • conjunctiva
            • cornea
            • sclera
            • lens
            • vitreous humor
            • iris
            • ciliary body
            • choroid
            • retina
            • optic nerve
            • trabecular meshwork
          • auditory apparatus
            • external ear
            • middle ear
            • tympanum
            • auditory tube
            • auditory ossicle
            • internal ear
              • osseous labyrinth
                • cochlea
                  • spiral organ of Corti
                • semicircular canal
                • vestibule
              • membranous labyrinth
          • olfactory apparatus
          • peripheral nerve
          • ganglion
          • sympathetic chain
      • immune system
        • thymus
          • T cell progenitor
        • lymphocytes
        • B cell
        • memory B cell
        • T cell
        • T regulatory cell
        • stromal cell
        • naïve T cell
        • neutrophil
        • macrophage
        • natural killer cell
        • dendritic cell
        • leukocyte


Referencing provided by LibAge


10.0% Decrease in Gene Expression Level with a P Value of 1.51e-04

Equation Details

Equation Type Coefficient Intercept Data Transforms Method of Collection
linear -1.07e-02 8.35e+00 Log Microarray
