All physiological changes (343)

Identifier Name Data Tissues Organism Actions
DAA848 Calcium absorption in intestine decreases intestine Human
DAA850 Dysphagia incidence increases oropharynx, oesophagus Human
DAA851 Peristaltic amplitude is diminished oropharynx, oesophagus Human
DAA852 Deficiencies in generating secondary peristaltic contractions oropharynx, oesophagus Human
DAA853 Esophageal acid contact time increased oesophagus Human
DAA855 Migrating motor complex is prolonged small intestine Human
DAA857 Myenteric plexus neuron number decreases oesophagus, stomach, intestine Human
DAA858 Enteric neuron loss alimentary system Human
DAA859 Responsiveness of cholinergic receptors is decreased ileum Human
DAA860 Nonadrenergic innervation of myenteric plexus decreases jejunum Human
DAA861 Resting and squeeze pressures in anal canal decrease anus Human
DAA862 Threshold sensational level for rectal filling increase rectum, anus Human
DAA880 Kidney mass gradually lost kidney Human
DAA881 Dietary protein required to induce renal sclerotic lesions decreases renal vasculature Human
DAA884 Widespread degeneration of glomerular blood vessels renal vasculature Human
DAA885 Renal blood flow declines renal vasculature Human
DAA887 Glomerular filtration rate declines glomerulus Human
DAA888 Glomeruli number decreases glomerulus Human
DAA889 Glomeruli crowd together glomerulus Human
DAA891 Nephrons appear to fail as units nephron Human
DAA894 Interstitial fibrosis in medulla kidney Human
DAA895 Basement membranes of glomeruli and tubules thicken renal tubule, glomerulus Human
DAA896 Vasodilation induced by acetylcholine or sodium reduced renal vasculature Human
DAA897 Response to antidiuretic hormone decreased renal tubule Human
DAA898 Sodium conservation decreased renal tubule Human