All physiological changes (365)

Identifier Name Data Tissues Organism Actions
DAA987 Increase in total number of cells natural killer cell Human
DAA975 Infiltration at injury site is reduced neutrophil Human
DAA1200 Inhibin levels decline Decrease Hormone Level plasma Human
DAA1954 Interleukin-15 levels decrease in plasma and muscle plasma, muscle Mouse
DAA962 Interleukin-2 production in response to influenza vaccine declines T cell Human
DAA1953 Interleukin-6 plasma levels are elevated in response to acute systemic inflammation immune system Mouse
DAA955 Interleukin-7 production declines stromal cell Human
DAA894 Interstitial fibrosis in medulla kidney Human
DAA694 Intima undergoes diffuse thickening arterial intima Human
DAA1949 Intracellular glutathione content decreases brain Mouse
DAA672 Joint cushioning reduced joint Human
DAA2039 K-ATP channels upregulated in human myometrium myometrium Human
DAA880 Kidney mass gradually lost kidney Human
DAA1935 Kyphosis spine Mouse
DAA1984 Layer-specific dendritic regression of pyramidal cells prefrontal cortex Human
DAA1057 Lean body mass decreases whole body Human
DAA944 Less antibodies generated B cell Human
DAA725 Leukoaraiosis white matter Human
DAA841 Lipid absorption and solubilization decreases small intestine Human
DAA715 Lipid biosynthesis decreases central nervous system Human
DAA705 Lipofuscin increases heart Human
DAA735 Localized increases and decreases in synaptic transmission brain Human
DAA823 Loss of elastic recoil lung Human
DAA2590 Loss of liver regeneration with age liver Human
DAA2045 Loss of muscle torque skeletal muscle Human