All tissues (284)

Name Synonyms Number Of Changes
gall bladder gallbladder 0
urogenital system genitourinary system 301
gum gingiva 0
glomerulus glomeruli 5
intestine gut 19
hematological system hematopoietic 385
cerebrum hemisphere 334
liver hepatocellular 60
subcutaneous hypodermis 2
immune system immunity 98
internal ear labyrinth 8
lymph node lymph gland 0
lymphoreticular system lymphoid tissue 2
peripheral nerve nerve 0
occipital lobe occipital cortex 0
oral cavity oral 10
islets of Langerhans pancreatic islet 0
parathyroid parathyroid gland 0
parietal lobe parietal cortex 78
blood peripheral blood 241
peritoneum peritonaeum 0
pineal gland pineal 1
pituitary gland pituitary 1
peripheral nervous system PNS 25
skeletal muscle striated muscle 358