All changes for the tissue blood (241)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA2680 Hypermethylation of CENTG2 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human AGAP1
DAA2712 Hypermethylation of FAM46B is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human FAM46B
DAA2681 Hypermethylation of ALX4 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human ALX4
DAA2696 Hypermethylation of CDKN2A is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human CDKN2A
DAA2705 Hypermethylation of DES is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human DES
DAA2707 Hypermethylation of ECEL1 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human ECEL1
DAA2767 Hypermethylation of SLC10A4 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human SLC10A4
DAA2671 Hypermethylation of ADCK5 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human ADCK5
DAA2697 Hypermethylation of BRUNOL6 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human CELF6
DAA2693 Hypermethylation of CD164L2 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human CD164L2
DAA612 Anemia Pathological blood Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA968 Chronic inflammation increases Physiological blood, immune system Human
DAA2655 Hypermethylation of DLC1 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human DLC1
DAA2706 Hypermethylation of DLX5 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human DLX5
DAA2764 Hypermethylation of SCGN is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human SCGN
DAA2055 Circulating miR-21 expression increases Molecular blood Human
DAA2709 Hypermethylation of ABHD9 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human EPHX3
DAA2679 Hypermethylation of ACTN3 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human ACTN3
DAA2018 Blood volume per unit of body weight unchanged Physiological blood Human
DAA2665 Hypermethylation of AUTS2 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human AUTS2
DAA2688 Hypermethylation of C10orf82 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human C10orf82
DAA2695 Hypermethylation of CCRK is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human CDK20
DAA2034 Expression of WRN decreases Molecular blood, immune system Human WRN 52.0% Decrease Gene Expression Level
DAA2634 Hypermethylation of RYR2 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human RYR2
DAA2673 Hypermethylation of FBXL6 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human FBXL6