Leifke et al. (2000) "Age-related changes of serum sex hormones, insulin-like growth factor-1 and sex-hormone binding globulin levels in men: cross-sectional data from a healthy male cohort." Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf) 53(6):689-695 (PubMed) (5 entries)

Changes associated with this reference

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA1181 Morning IGF1 decline Physiological plasma Human IGF1 51.0% Decrease Hormone Level
DAA1219 Morning concentration of oestrone (E1) declines Physiological plasma Human
DAA1221 Morning concentration of sex-hormone binding globulin declines Physiological plasma Human
DAA1218 Morning concentrations of oestradiol decline Physiological plasma Human
DAA1180 Morning concentrations of testosterone decline Physiological plasma Human 80.0% Decrease Hormone Level