PHD finger protein 21A


PHF21A (may also be known as: None)




The PHF21A gene encodes BHC80, a component of a BRAF35 (MIM 605535)/histone deacetylase (HDAC; see MIM 601241) complex (BHC) that mediates repression of neuron-specific genes through the cis-regulatory element known as repressor element-1 (RE1) or neural restrictive silencer (NRS) (Hakimi et al., 2002 [PubMed 12032298]).[supplied by OMIM, Nov 2010]


phf21ab Danio rerio
Phf21a Mus musculus
Phf21a Rattus norvegicus

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Changes associated with this gene

GO Terms

GO IDGO TermGO Category
GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter biological_process
GO:0001967 suckling behavior biological_process
GO:0006355 regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent biological_process
GO:0007596 blood coagulation biological_process
GO:0016568 chromatin modification biological_process
GO:0000118 histone deacetylase complex cellular_component
GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm cellular_component
GO:0003677 DNA binding molecular_function
GO:0003682 chromatin binding molecular_function
GO:0008270 zinc ion binding molecular_function
GO:0046872 metal ion binding molecular_function